2020/2021 Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2021
Time: 8:00am-9:05am
Location: Board Members Home
Board Members Present:
Chris Barton, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Melissa Telfer and Michelle Walts
8:00am Closed Meeting called to order.
8:15am Closed Meeting adjourned & Open Meeting called to order.
Topics Discussed:
-Follow up ACC inspection for mailboxes, trash cans and street parking scheduled for March 6th.
-The board is concerned about long term property values and ACC standards being maintained throughout the neighborhood.
-Due to lack of volunteers the board members may need to serve as the ACC for the upcoming year.
-Working on relabeling & reorganizing document folders so that it is easier to navigate.
-COVID waiver needs to be back on the website.
Tennis Court
-Tennis courts will be pressure washed in April.
-Staining & sealing the playground fence will be scheduled for April.
-Received a notice from the county that pool inspections could be delayed this year due to COVID. A passing inspection is needed in order to open up the pool. The board will be attempting to have the pool inspection done as soon as it can possibly be done so that the pool opening will hopefully not be delayed.
-A COVID no liability sign, such as is seen at most public places and businesses now, needs to be put up at the pool.
-Pool decking, pool furniture and sidewalks around pool area will be pressure washed in April.
Social Committee
-Three food trucks have been booked to come to the neighborhood, dates still to be determined.
-Yard of the Month will start back up in April.
-Looking into scheduling more neighborhood social events.
-Still operating within the budget.
-There are a handful of homeowners who will not be able to vote at the annual meeting unless their dues are paid beforehand.
-Working on a Long-Term Savings Plan and readjusting budget categories, but will not be done until after April.
-Community Updates tab on the website is routinely updated with the same information that is posted on the neighborhood Facebook pages for anyone that does not have social media. It can be accessed in the Homeowner Information area which is password protected.
Click here for a direct link: Willow Tree Community Updates
The password is willowhomeowner
9:05am Meeting adjourned.
January 16, 2021 & January 30, 2021
Time: 7:30am-9:10am and 7:30am-9:00am
Location: Board Members Home
Board Members Present:
Chris Barton, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Melissa Telfer and Michelle Walts
Topics Discussed:
-Drive through inspection to be performed by all board members and will have a follow up meeting on January 30th. Courtesy notices will be mailed.
Tennis Courts
-Tennis court lock has been changed and it uses the same key as the pool. -Court Makers verified that the tennis courts do not need to be resurfaced this year, but will need to be addressed in 2022/23 (Long Term Amenities Budget.)
Front Entrance
-Storm drain repair was completed by Cherokee county.
-Roundabout project supposed to start end of March, beginning of April 2021.
-Pool Shed roof leaks were repaired.
-The two fans and the additional electrical work needed in the covered area of the pool will be completed before new budget year.
-Board voted unanimously to continue use of Watermark Pool Care for the upcoming budget year.
-Board voted unanimously to raise the dues 10%. They were last raised in 04/2019 by 10%. -Still operating within the budget.
- The goal is to replenish the bank account to have one year’s worth of dues in reserves. -Grounds Maintenance budget was increased to include new grill at pool, new pool umbrellas, new rubber mats for restrooms, new tennis court benches, mulch & pine straw installed twice per year, two additional trash cans, and pressure washing of pool decking, pool furniture, tennis courts, pool house and sidewalks.
-Updated financial documents will be uploaded to the website.
-The board voted unanimously to switch to a new landscape company, MTScapes, for the new budget year.
- Mulch and pine straw will now be installed twice per year.
-Annual meeting announcement, budget, proxy and newsletter will be mailed out to the neighborhood by February 12, 2021.
-Email to be sent out to the neighborhood seeing if there is any interest in serving on the HOA Board, ACC or Social Committee.
-COVID-19 Pool Waiver needs to be added back on to the website. If a waiver was filled out and signed in 2020 there is no need to fill out a new waiver for 2021.
-Community Updates tab on the website is routinely updated with the same information that is posted on the neighborhood Facebook pages for anyone that does not have social media. It can be accessed in the Homeowner Information area which is password protected.
Click here for a direct link: Willow Tree Community Updates
The password is willowhomeowner.
December 5, 2020
Time: 8:05am-9:00am
Location: Board Members Home
Board Members Present:
Chris Barton, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Melissa Telfer and Michelle Walts
8:05am Closed Meeting called to order.
8:15am Closed Meeting adjourned & Open Meeting called to order.
Topics Discussed:
-ACC Form on website needs attention.
-Next scheduled ACC Inspection will be in January of 2021.
-Street parking needs to be addressed with neighborhood. School buses are having a hard time navigating through some areas of our neighborhood due to street parking.
Tennis Courts
-Tennis court lock is still a work in progress and is taking longer than anticipated.
-Combination lock is still in use until the lock can be installed, combination is 1973.
-Tennis courts may need to be resurfaced next year to comply with the warranty. CourtMasters will be contacted to verify. If so, this will need to be worked into the 2021/22 Budget.
-Staining & sealing the playground fence will need to be done in the Spring & worked into the 2021/22 Budget.
-Playground drainage will need to be addressed as well as a landscaping plan for that area. Quotes will be obtained and worked into the 2021/22 Budget.
Front Entrance
-Holiday lights going up on 12/5-12/6 by neighborhood volunteers. Looking into quotes for the cost of having a company put up/take down holiday lights for next year to work into the 2021/22 Budget so we are not so dependent upon neighborhood volunteers for everything.
-Damaged sewer drain at the front entrance is on a long list to get repaired with the county.
-Looking into getting another status update from the county on the roundabout project.
-There was a leak in the main water line to the pool, which was the cause of the restrooms being closed last month.
-The board voted unanimously to replace the water line and have the two toilets in the restrooms replaced at the same time.
-Pool Shed has a possible roof leak as there have been signs of water damage within as well as a musty/mildew smell. Quotes will be obtained for any necessary repairs and may need to be worked into the 2021/22 Budget.
-The two fans in the covered area of the pool both need replaced. Quotes will be obtained for this and may need to be worked into the 2021/22 Budget.
-Quotes for Pool Service are being obtained for 2021/22 Budget.
Social Committee
-Holiday Lights contest taking place and three $25 gift cards will be issued to winners.
-Voting will take place via Survey Monkey just like the Halloween Contest
-Dues collection has gone very well. Only 13 homeowners have not paid in full, 3 of those are on payment plans.
-January HOA meeting will be dedicated towards preparing the 2021/22 Budget.
-Still operating within the budget.
-Dues may need to go up for 2021. The goal is to replenish the bank account to have one year’s worth of dues in reserves.
-Water bill was $1930.60 due to the leak up at the pool. A credit is supposed to be issued on the water bill by CCWSA since the leak was repaired.
-New landscaping quotes are being obtained for the 2021/22 Budget
-Pine straw/mulch installation keeps getting pushed back by the landscaping company but should be completed this month.
-Community Updates tab on the website is routinely updated with the same information that is posted on the neighborhood Facebook pages for anyone that does not have social media. It can be accessed in the Homeowner Information area which is password protected.
Click here for a direct link: Willow Tree Community Updates
The password is willowhomeowner.
9:05am Meeting adjourned.
October 3, 2020
Time: 8:00am-9:05am
Location: Board Members Home
Board Members Present:
Chris Barton, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Melissa Telfer and Michelle Walts
8:00am Closed Meeting called to order.
8:10am Closed Meeting adjourned & Open Meeting called to order.
Topics Discussed:
ACC violation letters were sent out. Follow ups will be done to ensure compliance.
Tennis Courts
Due to continued activity that is unrelated to tennis, and that can damage the tennis court surface, a combination lock has been temporarily placed on the tennis court gate. The combination is 1973. A new lock is being ordered for the tennis court gate and will be installed soon. Once it is installed the temporary combination lock will be removed. An email will be sent to the community with the combination for the tennis court lock so that all homeowners have equal access to the amenity. The combination is also given when reserving the tennis courts on www.reservemycourt.com.
The rubber mats will be installed at the playground this week. The board is currently addressing the ongoing drainage issue at the playground. Quotes for staining & sealing the playground fence are currently being obtained. The Traywick family also generously donated two benches for the playground area this past month!
The pool was closed on Friday, October 2nd. The bathroom lock that has an exterior door has been changed over so that it can be accessed for all residents while using other amenities. It can be unlocked using the pool key.
Social Committee
Tex’s Tacos is coming to the neighborhood on Sunday, October 11, 2020 from 5:30-7:30pm. There will be a Halloween Decoration Contest in October which will end & be voted on by 10-30-2020. A survey will most likely be placed on social media to vote for the Halloween Decoration Contest. Ideas for Veterans Day were discussed along with purchasing new LED holiday lights for the front entrance.
Dues invoices were sent out this past week. When the dues payments begin to be received $10,000 will be moved to the Long-Term Amenity Account as plannedcvxvCV. The board voted unanimously in favor (5-0) to hire Jacob Lundt to continue to take care of the pool area for the remainder of the fiscal year.
The newsletter did not go out with the dues invoices last week but will be emailed to all homeowners. Those homeowners who do not have email will receive a mailed copy.
Pine straw/mulch will be replenished in October at the front entrance and communal areas around the pool and playground. Two quotes have been received and another is being obtained as Crawford Landscaping said they will price match any quotes we receive.
A trial excel document has been created by Chris that is accessible via google drive and the board will be testing it out. The board will also be testing out having a weekly conference or zoom call on top of the regular monthly board meeting to better stay on top of tasks and also to ensure that everyone is aware of all board activity.
9:05am Meeting adjourned.
September 12, 2020
Time: 8:10am-9:50am
Location: Board Members Home
Board Members Present:
Chris Barton, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Melissa Telfer and Michelle Walts
8:10am Closed Meeting called to order.
8:50am Closed Meeting adjourned & Open Meeting called to order.
Topics Discussed:
Violation letters have been sent from the August drive through inspection. Follow up inspections will be taking place accordingly. A courtesy notice was emailed to the neighborhood about signage in yards. Political signs have been popping up throughout the neighborhood, which are not permitted. Further action may need to be taken if they are not removed. A reminder about flags needing ACC approval will be included in the newsletter being mailed in October. The board would like to request that all ACC Requests be submitted at least two weeks before project start dates. The ACC tries to respond very quickly to all requests, but some require more time and coordination for decisions to be determined.
September Yard of the Month – 1667 Willow Way
The playground installation is now fully complete. To accommodate for the wait time for the last climbing wall piece, rubber mats were given to place under all swings, which will help with the loss of mulch from children playing, but they need to be installed and buried underneath the mulch still. The board is currently addressing the ongoing drainage issue at the playground. The new playground fence will need to be stained and sealed before the winter to protect the wood.
The pool is still scheduled to close on October 2, 2020 for the season. The restroom that was closed has been reopened. The toilet did not need to be replaced at this time, but it is something that may be added into the 2020/21 budget as replacing both toilets was highly suggested.
Social Committee
Tex’s Tacos is rescheduled to come to the neighborhood on Sunday, October 11, 2020 from 5:30-7:30pm. September is the last month for Yard of the Month for 2020, but there will be a Halloween Decoration Contest in October and a Holiday Lights Contest in December, which will each have a $25 gift card for first, second and third place winners. An informational binder/folder is being considered to be given to new homeowners along with the Welcome Basket that is already given out. Halloween Trick or Treat concerns were discussed due to COVID restrictions. A neighborhood Trunk or Treat was discussed but decided against due to the possibility of a large gathering of people.
A newsletter will be sent out in October along with the bi-annual HOA dues statements. Along with emailing the monthly board meeting minutes there will begin to be more email blasts being sent out to the neighborhood each month. A list of homeowners has been compiled who we do not have email addresses for, and we are currently in the process of trying to acquire them. There are a couple of homeowners who do not have email addresses and any email blasts sent out will be sent via USPS to them. We also will be attempting to gather new homeowner information when closing requests are made so that a welcome email can be sent. There is a new Community Updates section on the neighborhood website, which can be accessed after logging into the Homeowner section. Anything that is posted within this section is also being shared on social media.
Pine straw/mulch will be replenished in October at the front entrance and communal areas around the pool and playground.
The board is looking into possibly raising the front entrance sign to accommodate the landscaping as it is very low and most of the landscaping covers the sign as it matures. This could possibly be a future project depending upon cost.
The board is still looking into adding locks to the tennis court gates, which would be keyed to match the pool gate.
LED holiday lights are planned to be purchased where needed, some already were last year, for the front entrance decorations. Each year there are electrical problems due to the increased electrical load and LED lights would help prevent that along with lower electricity costs.
An “HOA Board Only” section is possibly being added to the website for the board members to login to and access a task list of sorts, where tasks can be assigned, voted on, etc. A trial document will be created by Chris and tested out first before being added to the website to test for effectiveness and efficiency.
9:50am Meeting adjourned.
August 15, 2020
Time: 8:15am-9:45am
Location: Board Members Home
Board Members Present:
Chris Barton, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Melissa Telfer and Michelle Walts
8:15am Closed Meeting called to order.
8:45am Closed Meeting adjourned & Open Meeting called to order.
Topics Discussed:
ACC Inspection was done on August 2, 2020. More frequent inspections will be done to ensure that neighbors are always maintaining their properties to keep up with the neighborhood standards. Letters and courtesy notices will be sent out within the next week or so to the neighborhood. The ACC Request form on the website is not working correctly, but is being looked into, in the meantime homeowners should email the board directly for all ACC requests. Michelle Walts has stepped down from the ACC.
August Yard of the Month – 1518 Willow Bend
The playground has been installed, but we are still waiting on one climbing wall to be delivered and installed due to the original part being welded incorrectly. Melissa is in talks with the playground company to receive some sort of a discount because of this and final payment will be made once the playground is fully completed. The fence has been installed but will need to be treated to protect the wood within the coming months. Melissa has a wood picnic table on order and is donating it to the playground area. The trash can by the basketball courts will also be moved to within the playground area as trash has been accumulating over there.
The pool is still scheduled to close on October 2, 2020 for the season. Once the pool is closed one of the trash cans from that area will be moved to the basketball court area to make up for moving the other to the playground area. The board will look into purchasing an additional trash can for the common areas in the future. One of the pool restrooms is closed due to a clogged toilet from someone flushing a baby diaper. The restroom will remain closed until a plumber can address the issue. The board is in the process of obtaining a second opinion, but new toilets were advised, and it is an unexpected expense. A notice about restroom closure will be posted to neighbors as well as a reminder to only flush toilet tissue. Only 1-ply toilet tissue will be purchased going forward.
A budget review took place and the board is currently operating within the budget but is still being mindful of the COVID-19 situation and the strain it has put on the local economy. More detail will be added to the budget categories. The board is currently working on a Long-Term Budget for the neighborhood which will include any anticipated future projects. Once completed it will be added to the neighborhood website along with other updated budget figures. The potential toilet replacement at the pool is an unexpected cost.
The board is looking into the status of the roundabout construction project at Wiley Bridge/Cox Rd. and will update the neighborhood.
The board is looking into contacting the county to get our neighborhood streets repaved.
The landscape color change at the front entrance and pool area will be done after the first frost which is normally around beginning to mid October.
9:45am Meeting adjourned.
July 18, 2020
Time: 8:05am-9:35am
Location: Board Members Home
Board Members Present:
Chris Barton, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Melissa Telfer and Michelle Walts
8:05am Meeting called to order.
Established Board Positions:
President – Scott Mueller
1st Vice President – Chris Barton
2nd Vice President – Melissa Telfer
Treasurer – Paula Langford
Secretary – Michelle Walts
Topics Discussed:
ACC Inspection date set for August 2, 2020. Quarterly ACC Compliance Drive Throughs will be performed every August, November, February and May to ensure that neighbors are always maintaining their properties to keep up with the neighborhood standards.
The playground equipment is being delivered/installed beginning July 22, 2020. Mat & Melissa Telfer are digging up the remainder of cemented posts from removed wooden benches in playground area before playground installation. The Board discussed a fence for the playground and Scott Mueller is checking into that option.
Tennis Courts
Tennis court gate will be having a lock welded & keyed to match the pool lock. A lock is being installed to help deter neighbors from bringing their pets onto the tennis courts and children from riding their bikes and scooters on the courts. The wheels and animals’ nails can ruin the finish on the tennis courts. Scott Mueller will be obtaining a picture of how it should look. Joe Mascitti volunteered to weld the lock for free, but we will need to hire a locksmith to key it to match the pool lock.
A neighborhood newsletter to be mailed this upcoming week. It will go over some standards that will be looked for during the ACC drive through inspection as well as any other pertinent dates and information related to our neighborhood.
All social media posts should be positive, unbiased posts that represent the board. Examples: Yard of the Month, Volunteer Posts, etc. All communication should be made across all avenues as not everyone is on social media, checks their email, checks the website or checks their regular mail. Must communicate everywhere to be sure all neighbors receive every communication.
Speeding issue within neighborhood discussed and ways to combat it as well as roundabout construction outside of neighborhood at Wiley Bridge/Cox Rd.
HOA contract with Advanced Disposal is set to expire October 1, 2020. Melissa Telfer is looking into renewing it for the best price possible.
We have had many volunteers for our neighborhood committees. Below are the volunteers for each committee as well as the board members who will be overseeing each committee.
Architectural Controls Committee (ACC)
Board Members: Melissa Telfer & Michelle Walts
Joe & Sam Cambre
Phil Donaldson
Don McClellan
Megan Schaub
Tennis Committee
Board Member: Melissa Telfer
Amy Hickman
Kelly Snavely
Social Committee
Board Members: Melissa Telfer & Michelle Walts
Lisa Adebiyi
Kirk & Michelle Downing
Sharon Kia
Anne Trent
Courtney Vastola
Pool Committee
Board Member: Melissa Telfer
Joe Cambre
9:35am Meeting adjourned.
July 7, 2020
Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Location: Board member’s home
Attendees: Chris Barton, Melissa Telfair, Sandra Decker
Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
Treasurer’s report
Old Business (click link below to navigate to desired location)
New Business (click link below to navigate to desired location)
Pool Update
Discussion: Closing of the pool for 2020
Conclusion: The Board anticipates the pool closing date to be on or about October 2, 2020.
Action item: None at this time.
Person Responsible: N/A
Deadline: N/A
Playground Update
Discussion: Playground progress update.
Conclusion: The playground equipment is in route and due soon. The install date is currently July 20th. There will be a time period for the set to be installed and all related areas be completed.
Action item: None at this time
Person Responsible: N/A
Deadline: N/A
Annual Meeting
Discussion: Preparation for annual meeting.
The agenda will be changed to have the voting of new officers be the first order of business.
Hand out materials of our financials will be sent to the owners and posted on our site prior to Sunday to reduce the amount of paperwork at the meeting.
Action item: A reminder will be sent for the annual meeting on this Sunday.
Person Responsible: Melissa Telfer, Paula Langford, Sandy Decker, Chris Barton
Deadline: Reminder (07.10); Financials & Materials (07.12)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------June 6, 2020
Time: 4:45 - 5:20 pm
Location: Pool
Attendees: Chris Barton, Melissa Telfair, Sandra Decker
Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
Treasurer’s report
Old items
Pool update
Playground update
New Items
Officer replacement for remaining term
Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
Discussion: Minutes of last board meeting (o5.23.20) reviewed
Conclusion: Approved vote 5 to 5
Action item: Post to website
Person Responsible: Sandy / Chris
Deadline: N/A
Treasurer’s Report
Discussion: Current status of 2020-2021 Budget Summary reviewed
Conclusion: Current reporting included in the Annual Meeting Notice & Posted to Website
Action item: None at this time
Person Responsible: N/A
Deadline: N/A
Pool Update
Discussion: With the Governor’s order expiring on June 12th, the board needs to reassess the guidelines for Pool Operation Regulations during COVID-19
Conclusion: The Board has sent the community the guidelines with the annual meeting notice and community newsletter sent 5.25.20. In addition all owners are asked to sign the approved waiver form for entry to the pool. l.
Action item: Email will be sent to homeowners who haven’t submitted the waiver form; currently 55 homes have responded.
Person Responsible: Melissa
Deadline: N/A
Playground Update
Discussion: Playground grading and drainage is now completed.
Conclusion: The order for the equipment was placed and when received will need additional time (2-3 weeks) for the installation. We are anticipating late August for the completion.
Action item: None at this time
Person Responsible: Melissa
Deadline: N/A
Officer Replacement for the Remaining Term
Discussion: Most of the community is aware that Joe Cambre would be stepping down from the Bard this year. Joe Cambre gave the Board his resignation on 6.2.20. (Thank you, Joe for a job well done!) The Board approved, via email messages, to contact our known candidates for the purpose of coming on the Board as a replacement for the open position until the annual meeting Article 3.A, Section 4 of our Bylaws, states that vacancies “shall be filled by a vote of the Majority of the remaining directors.” The following candidates were sent communication: Phil Donaldson, Kirk Downing, Rickey Kia, Scott Muller and Michelle Watts.
Conclusion: After discussion and feedback from the candidates, the Board has agreed not to fill the position at this time and wait for the community vote at the annual meeting.
Action item: None at this time.
Person Responsible: N/A
Deadline: N/A
With the acceptance of the resignation of Joe hambre, the Board voted in favor of Melissa Telfair to be installed to replace one of the two open positions on the Board. Paul Hart resigned from the Board on March 31, 2020.
May 23, 2020
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
In Attendance: Joe Chambre, Paula Langford, Sandra Decker, Chris Barton, Melissa Telfer
The upgraded Willow Tree HOA web site has been very successful with the majority of the community on line and registered. This site is more interactive for our community communications.
Association members who subscribe to updates on the new website will automatically receive email notifications of the posting of minutes and remove the need for members to sign on to see the posted minutes. Administrators of other various Willow Tree web sites will have the option of posting Board minutes on their sites.
The Board encourages our community to send communications to the Board via board@willowtree.org. The Board email address will soon have an autoreply to alert the sender that the email was received and under review by the Board. Please allow time for the review of your request/question. The Board is made up of five officers, and full Board review and/or voting is necessary for many decisions and responses. The majority vote of the officers is used for the outcome on a decision. Once reviewed, owners will be notified of the decision as promptly as possible.
Annual Meeting
The Board unanimously approved for the Annual Meeting to be scheduled on July 12, 2020. Notices will be sent out per our governing documents within the next days to come. The meeting will be at the amenities area with necessary CDC guidelines being observed.
The notice will state all known candidates at that time running for Board election.
Any owner not wishing or able to be at the meeting is encouraged to submit the proxy for establishing quorum count and have the proxy holder present in your place. The proxies must be handed to a Board member or Association member and presented at or before the meeting.
The pool passed inspection this week. New signage regarding Covid 19 and social distancing is now being placed at the pool.
The board has unanimously approved to open the pool providing the following conditions and guidelines be put in place:
pool monitors. The community will be encouraged to sign up for assisting in monitoring of pool sanitation and number of members at the pool with the use of clickers/counters.
Sanitation procedures per CDC guidelines.
Social distancing per CDC guidelines.
All owners will be asked to sign the lien waiver form to be provided by our attorney. The Board approved using the Attorney’s form and the wavier will be requested on Monday.
Temporary rekey of pool access lock to ensure control for the pool entrance during operational hours.
The above list is subject to additional changes.
At this time there is no set date of the pool opening and it will be announced as soon as possible. The Board is moving forward with implementing guidelines for opening as set forth by CDC.
The Board unanimously approved $16,000 to proceed with the ordering of the playground equipment. The delivery date is anticipated to be at least 6-8 weeks.
Currently we have (rounded numbers used) 62,000 in our Operating Account, 20,000 in our Long-term Amenities Account and 9,000 in the Reserve Account for the playground. There will be additional costs for the pool to open which we will monitor and continue to use volunteers to reduce various project costs where possible.
May 16, 2020
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
In Attendance: Joe Cambre, Paula Langford, Sandra Decker, Chris Barton, Melissa Telfer
Per our legal counsel, the following will need to be met for our annual meeting:
No mailing or electronic mailing of ballots
The annual meeting voting and quorum requirements will need to be addressed by the proxy given at the proposed meeting or given prior to the meeting to the proxy holder.
The proxies must be handed to a Board member or Association member and presented at or before the meeting.
Pool Inspection is Tuesday, May 19th and the Board will review the practicality of Cherokee guidelines with our pool vendor.
Pool opening is under the state of emergency orders and subject to the June 13 end date. Per CDC guidelines, we will need to insure and obtain monitors, add signage and provide daily sanitation of surfaces. These are not budgeted costs for 2020-2021. The Board noted concerns for the budget overruns with the playground installation along with opening the pool.
Board voted to hold decisions on whether to open until after pool inspection and if the state of emergency is lifted or extended. Board also approved to meet next Saturday for updates on the inspection and monitor/sign costs.
The board submitted for distribution the most recent article from our attorney (Swimming Pools May Open in Georgia Should Your Community Pool Open and if So, Why”). The article will be posted on our web site and noted on our Facebook site. In the future, minutes will be uploaded on our site and a notice will be placed on Facebook to check the site.
Attorney Article | Click Here
The Board discussed the action of moving forward with the playground. To move forward, $16,000 would need to be paid at the time of order. With the noted costs above, the Board voted to table the approval on the playground until our next meeting (May 23, 2020) to allow for the completed pool inspection and the gathering of solid costs involved in the Cherokee guidelines.
Long Term Amenities Report | Click Here
The Board has been working on updating our website to a more interactive and updated site. Owners will use the current login information. The site should be active after this weekend. Cost to maintain the site is $22/mo.
Previously we moved $10,000 to the long term amenities. The Board approved to move the amounts back to the operating account at this time.
Budget | Click Here
Inome & Expense | Click Here
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 2, 2020
8:00 AM – 8:37 AM
In Attendance: Joe Cambre, Paula Langford, Sandra Decker, Chris Barton, Melissa Telfer
Monthly reporting is uploaded in the community website for viewing. We are currently at 85% of the dues collected. $7,500 has been moved to the playground funding and $10,000 moved to the long term amenities. Our bank balance is at $53,000.
Budget (2020-2021) | Click Here
Income & Expense Report | Click Here
Long Term Amenities Report | Click Here
Annual Meeting
On the advice of our attorney with Nowack Howard, when we are able to reset a date for the annual meeting, notices will need to be resent with proxies to the community. Owners that submitted proxies previously will need to submit a new form.
Pool Season/Common Areas
We will continue with the tile replacement and pressure washing of the pool as already approved.
With new CDC and DPH guidelines in place, additional costs would need to be spent for the pool to be opened this season. With the increased liability issues also in play, the Board has voted that we will not be opening the pool at this time.
We have uploaded to our site the recent article from Nowack Howard on handling community amenities and encourage our owners to review.
Handling Community Amenities | Click Here
The board has discussed how to proceed with the playground project in light of the economic uncertainty for the community owners. In the interest of our financial stability, the order for the playground equipment has been put on hold temporarily. The board vote carried was 4 to 1.
Tennis Courts
Warning notice signage will be placed at the tennis court indicating that it is a “use at your risk” area.
THANK YOU to our owners who have encouraged and participated in recent events like the chalk driveway contest!
THANK YOU to the owners making sure that if they were going out, checked first on others to add any needed items to the grocery run.
THANK YOU for those who sent alerts on where to find that elusive TP on 92.
THANK YOU for our sewers in getting masks made for many of those in need.